Television Systems and Health and Safety Consultancy  
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Television systems engineering

  • I am sure that the system problems I encounter have been experienced before, but where can I found out how others have solved them?

Chris Hillier has over 35 years of working on engineering systems and probably knows the answer. Why not let him help you?

  • Rapidly changing technology makes it difficult for me to keep pace with the latest production techniques. Where can I find out more, and even more importantly, keep key staff aware of these changes?

As an experienced communicator, Chris Hillier enjoys explaining technology to production staff. 'How do I do that...?' is the most frequently asked question. With over 35 years experience in the television industry in Studio and Post Production for a large studio based UK Facilities Company Chris Hillier can help you.

Health and Safety

  • I understand that I need to have a written Risk Assessment can you help?
  • Do I really have to PAT test all my portable equipment every month?
  • Do I have to have a Health and Safety policy and how do I write one?

With over 35 years experience in the television industry and as a Health and Safety Manager for a large studio based UK Facilities Company Chris Hillier can help you.